Bulk Pick-Up & Clean-Up
For locations in our service area only.
Got Extra Trash?
Cleaning a Basement?
Cleaning a Garage?
Moving Out or In?
Call Valley Recycling and Disposal to handle all your Junk Hauling needs and save money today!
We’ve been removing junk since 1957…We remove anything: garbage, old furniture, tires, appliances, yard waste, construction debris. We’ll get it done FOR YOU!
Bulk Pick-Up
You got it? We’ll get it! If you have items that will not fit in your can, such as mattresses, old furniture, lawn mowers etc., or items that are too heavy to move and dispose of by yourself, just give us a call at (503) 585-4300 to arrange for a pick up. We will pick up anything and dispose of it properly.
Garages, basements, you name it and we’ll stop by, clean it up and get it out.
Call Today For A FREE ESTIMATE (503) 585-4300!